Oliver Robert, Born November 24th, 2008

Oliver Robert, Born November 24th, 2008

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zoo Zoo Mania

This last weekend was beautiful and we thought it would be perfect to bring Oliver to the Minnesota Zoo. We were able to get free passes too which is always an added bonus! Oliver really loved watching the animals and the sounds they made. He especially loved the fish and birds. Here are a few pictures of our very successful day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hoppy Hoppy Easter!

What a great Easter!!!! We had so much fun this weekend in Sauk Centre with all of our Family. We started off the weekend Decorating Easter Eggs. Addy, Oliver and Nolan did such a great job! Oliver wanted to drink all of the egg dye. We thought let him try it because then he will not want to eat it, but of course after a big gulp of vinegar dye, he said num, num.

It was amazing, while we were coloring eggs that tricky Easter Bunny showed up and filled Grandma and Grandpa Nelson's yard with eggs. We headed outside to collect all of the eggs and see what kind of goodies were left for the kiddos.

After all of that Excitement at the Nelson's we had to get ready for the Miller and Gamradt Easter celebration that Afternoon. The Easter Bunny also made a visit to the Miller Farm. We were able to do our second egg and basket hunt. Oliver loves to try to keep up with all of his bigger Miller/Gamradt cousins.

The kiddos even had time for a little swim in Grandma and Grandpa Miller's hot tub. As you can see when I say kiddos I include Josh into that mix! Everyone had a blast except Oliver. He was a little unsure of all the commotion going on.
Then on Sunday we started our day off with a delicious Zion Lutheran Easter Breakfast. We then went to Easter Service with Grandpa Bob. Forget about a workout, bring a 16 month old to church and I guarantee you will break a good sweat! Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of this. After Easter Service we headed back to Grandpa and Grandma Nelson's house. Oliver and Addy decided to take a stroll around the yard on the Gator. I think Oliver has found his first love......the gator. He loved every minute of it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gotta Love the Spaghetti

We joke that Oliver has come from a very long line of good eaters. Josh and I love to cook, try new foods and of course EAT, and Oliver has definitely joined us in this love. Spaghetti is one of his favorite foods and as you can see he wears it well. He is even signing for more after eating a full plate full.

Oh baby baby

Welcome to this world Mason and Sawyer!

So we have been really bad and have not posted for awhile. We just wanted to make a shout out to our two new babies in our lives. My Brother and Sister in Law had a beautiful little girl named Sawyer Nadeau and then my very best friend had a hansome little boy named Mason Leo. We are so happy to have these babies in our lives. We have been so fortunate to meet and hold Mason, but we will have to wait a while to meet little miss Sawyer. Unfortunately she is a long long drive away.
Here are a few pictures to show you these adorable babies. The first three pictures are of Mason and then the last ones are of Sawyer.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chritmas Time

Oliver had a great Christmas. We spent 5 days in Sauk Centre to celebrate with all of the Family. First we had Christmas with the Nelson Side, and then we headed over the celebrate with the Gamradt/Miller Family.

Snow Fun

Snow, Snow, Snow! What a great year it has been for Oliver to explore and play in the snow. Oliver and I try to get outside daily (weather permiting) to play in the snow and get some fresh air. I think we have also started a new Christmas tradition of bundling up to walk around our neighborhood to check out all of the Christmas lights. Oliver loved it! He would point to the lights and say "ooooooooooooh" It was so much fun.

A fun filled weekend with Oliver's Cousins

We have had a very busy, but exciting December. Oliver's cousins Shelby and Raegan decided to join us for some Minneapolis fun. We went to the 8th floor Macy's and then watched the Holidazle Parade. We had a blast with them!